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Writer's pictureCCACC - ADHC

[12th Anniversary] Twelve Years of Insights - Health Support Department 十二年的感悟—醫藥保健組

To celebrate the 12th anniversary of CCACC - ADHC, staff from different departments shared their most impressive and touching stories in the past 12 years. (ENG & CHN)

为庆祝欢乐日间保健中心成立12周年,欢乐各部门员工回忆这12年里的点点滴滴,记录下他们印象中最深刻的感人故事,特在这里与大家分享。 (中英文)

Health Support Department

With a blink of an eye, CCACC Adult Day Healthcare Center has been through twelve amazing years. As a member of the Health Support team, we are sincerely proud and gratified for the achievements of the center thus far. During these twelve years, through practice and learning, the center has persistently cultivated and planted seeds in this rapidly developing new era. It has been at the forefront of many competitors in the field of adult daycare centers.  

The year 2020 has been difficult. Since March, the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths

in the United States has risen sharply.  Everyone, from the elderly to the employees was worried and unsure of what would happen. We debated whether the center should continue to operate normally or whether it was safer to keep everyone at home. And if we had to temporarily close, what would happen to everyone? This series of problems was unprecedented. At this critical moment, CCACC Executive Director Mr. Chih-Hsiang Li convened a meeting of all supervisors overnight, worked closely together, and made sure every decision was based on the wellness of the elderly. He ordered to close the center from March 16 until further notice, but food and all necessary medication were delivered to the elderly every day, followed by a call to make sure they are doing well at home, regardless of government funding. This action has won praise from the seniors and they have been very supportive of the non-profit organizations‘ efforts.

Over the past seven months, all the departments at the Center have been working together

to ensure that the interests of the elderly are our top priority. The members of the Health Support Department have colleagues on duty in the center every day to deal with various needs promptly. During the epidemic, staff members were not afraid of the virus or the challenge of working long hours and weekends to fight the disease, but only wanted to provide the best medical care and services to the elderly.

In addition to doing our best to help all the elders who come to our center, such as

making medical appointments, taking vital signs, dispensing and administering medications, provide hot meals, special activities, etc., we are also deeply impressed by the caring side of them, just like our own elders, family members, and parents who always treat us with kindness and compassion. Every day we encounter different challenges; nevertheless, the elderly still made us feel deeply touched and loved. The unity and cooperation of all of us in the Healthcare Team has helped us to do our jobs well and has increased the professionalism, trust, and love of the elders who visit our center.

Throughout these years of experience, we have begun to pay more attention and brainstorm

ideas on how to improve our services and ensure service quality. We use our professional

knowledge and continued education to communicate and coordinate difficult problems

effectively with the elderly and their families. We pay more attention to the mental, physical,

emotional, and homecare aspects of the elderly to better serve them and build their trust.

In the past 12 years, everyone in the CCACC community has gone from being strangers to friends. Looking back over the years of hard work and dedication to the center and all the seniors, everyone has worked together through dilemmas and hardships, and 2020 will be no different. Let us all join hands (virtually), work together, and make new achievements!




2020年是不平靜的一年,從三月份開始美國的新冠感染和死亡病例直線上升,從耆老到員工大家都是人心惶惶,不知所措,中心是否要正常運營,耆老來中心是否安全,如果中心暫行關閉那麽每天的收入怎麽辦? 這一系列的問題是前所未有的,政府部門也是束手無策。在此關鍵時刻,李志翔會長連夜召集各主管會議,群策群力,一切以耆老的健康為準則,下令從三月十六號開始暫停接送耆老來中心, 但是飯菜每天照送,不管政府是否有補助,就算是賠錢也要這麽做。相比其他老人中心就只是考慮收入怎麽辦,中心非盈利機構的宗旨表露無疑,耆老都對中心這次採取的措施贊許有加。





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