(Ms. Kate Lu, Director of the CCACC Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic, donated masks to the Montgomery Hospice)
The Chinese Culture and Community Service Center, Inc. (CCACC) is always here to help in your hour of need during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Recently, another 1,000 medical masks were donated to the Montgomery Hospice by CCACC.
It is the third time for CCACC to extend its helping hand and dedicate itself to community medical partners since the coronavirus outbreak. Before this, the Pan Asian Volunteer Health Clinic (PAVHC) of CCACC had donated 1,000 masks respectively to the emergency rooms of the local hospitals, Shady Grove Hospital and Suburban Hospital, and encouraged the Chinese community to donate money and medical resources to the local hospitals, giving full play to the community bridge.
As a non-profit organization, the Montgomery Hospice has a 39-year history of providing hospice services to Montgomery County residents. It is the largest hospice service organization in Montgomery County. The staff here, professionals and volunteers, provide the needed services to the end-stage patients in the community.
CCACC, also a non-profit organization, has provided community services to Montgomery County residents for 37 years. It is one of the largest Chinese organizations in Montgomery County. It is well aware of the heavy responsibilities on its shoulders, especially during the coronavirus outbreak. It is one of the goals to help the community partners get through the crisis and to provide the basic protection to employees and patients in the community. The Montgomery Hospice expresses its sincere gratitude to CCACC for its generous donation and dedication and posts on social media that the Montgomery Hospice is proud to be part of this diverse and caring community. It appealed once again that residents in need can contact the COVID-19 Hot Line 301-798-6001 set up by the PAVHC.
Misfortune can test the sincerity and solidarity. Every widow's mite will resonate with the respect for life especially when there is not enough medical gear for frontline medical staff in Montgomery County.