In September every year, Chinese Culture and Community Service Center will launch the Fall Health Day Event. Due to the epidemic this year, we changed the practice of holding large-scale health screenings and health seminars on the same day. For this year before October 31, we will provide blood tests, influenza vaccination, and health consultation for residents who have not undergone physical examinations for various reasons within a year. If you are interested, please call 240-393-5950 for consultation and registration.
每年9月份,美京华人活动中心都会推出秋季健康日活动。今年,因疫情关系,我们改变以往在同一天举办大型健康筛检,同时举办健康讲座的做法。今年,我们在10月31日前,为一年内由于各种原因,没有进行体检的居民提供验血、流感疫苗注射与健康咨询活动。有兴趣的人士,请致电240-393-5950 咨询并登记。
In addition, we continue to provide a series of lectures on health topics that everyone cares about. Every Friday at 3:30 pm, you can log in to Zoom and participate in our online seminars.
CCACC health lectures are held every Friday from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Zoom link is as follows or scans the QR code to log in:
Meeting ID: 853 6552 8713
Here are October topics, so stay tuned:
• 10/2/2020 善用网上工具 OnlineTools Help with Pandemic Living
• 10/9/2020 疫情中的压力缓解 Stress Management during COVID-19
• 10/23/2020 事先医疗嘱托概述 Overview on Advance Care Planning
• 10/30/2020 Medicare 补充保险概述 Medicare Advantage Plans vs. Supplemental Plans
To review the online lectures before, you can watch them right here:
• 9/4/2020 老年人的健康及社会服务补助项目 Benefits Enrollment Assistance
• 9/11/2020 从中医谈健康话题 TCM Health & Prevention
• 9/18/2020 远程看诊及网上医疗信息查询 Remote Consultation and Online Medical Information Inquiry
• 9/25/2020 晚年医疗与生活的计划与安排:长期照顾保险/事先医嘱与安宁疗护
Long Term Care & Palliative and End of Life
• COVID-19 Seminar: Parenting During the Pandemic
• COVID-19 Seminar: Caring for the Seniors During COVID-19
• COVID-19 Seminar: Common Psychological Problems and Solutions in the Pandemic
