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How Can We Serve Our Senior Parishioners

Mary Shannon

We are called to serve one another, especially our senior parishioners. As we start to emerge from the pandemic, that’s truer than ever. So how can we keep our oldest members safe and well cared for during this time? Please consider the following ideas from CCACC Adult Day Healthcare Center to help stay connected to our senior parishioners.

(Photo Credit: Pexels)

Q1: Should seniors come to mass?

A1: If your church is holding in-person services, at-risk and/or unvaccinated individuals are encouraged to stay home. Remember, our Sunday obligation has been dispensed for the time being, so missing mass is not a sin.

Older Adults and COVID-19

Frequently Asked Questions: Mass Dispensation

Q2: How should we stay in touch with older parishioners?

A2: If weekly meetings can’t be held or certain older parishioners can’t attend, phone calls, video chats, and other means of virtual communication should be used to contact senior church members.

Loneliness Is A Hazard Of Old Age. A Phone Call Can Mean A Lot

Best Tablets For Seniors In 2021

Q3: What can we do to serve this part of our community?

A3: Errands, such as grocery runs or other out-of-the-house tasks, can be extremely helpful for older individuals. Regular communication is a great tool for recognizing signs of unmet financial, physical, or emotional needs.

Signs a Senior Needs Help at Home

For Help with Home Tasks - Check Out Tidy House Cleaning, Angi Gutter Cleaning, Landscaping Services, etc.

Warning Signs of Depression in a Family Member

Medicare Coverage of Mental Health Services

One of the main functions of any parish community is to keep its members safe and well. Keep these resources on hand, and use them to guide your way as you answer the call to serve.


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